Jean Malo Couzigou

Jean Malo Couzigou

LRSV Toulouse

After a Master degree in Phytopathology at Paris Saclay University in 2007, Jean-Malo Couzigou did his PhD on the genetics of root nodule symbiosis in the group of P. Ratet in Gif-sur-Yvette. In 2012, he joined the group of G. Bécard in Toulouse as a postdoc to work on microRNA involved in the mycorrhization process. After a postdoc in 2016 in the group of H.-M. Fischer at ETH Zürich working on soybean-Bradyrhizobium root nodule symbiosis, he joined the LRSV as a CNRS research associate in Toulouse in 2018, where he is currently working on plant and bacterial factors necessary for a functional N2-fixing symbiosis in Legumes.